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Friday, December 22, 2000

Per chi vota il Mago di Oz
Ma ci sono altre interpretazione nella lunga storia degli studi su Oz. Una è arrivata in Italia sulle pagine di «Ideazione», il pensatoio del centro destra, che ha rievocato il centenario nel numero sulle «Virtù del populismo», dedicato a questa parola tabù che esprime abitualmente il «lato oscuro della politica» ed è sempre usata come insulto. In certe sue incarnazioni storiche, afferma Alessandro Campi, «il populismo ha anche significato affermazione di un’autentica sovranità popolare», contro le élites. E la faccenda, in questi termini, investe la politica italiana, dalle «derive populiste» imputate a Berlusconi alle interpretazioni in questo senso di personaggi come Di Pietro, Bossi, per non parlare di Haider. Certo la verde città degli Smeraldi non è la Padania leghista. E’ Washington, spiega Consuelo Angiò nel saggio sul Mago di Oz. Nel libro confluisce l’ideologia del populismo americano di fine 800, momento di dura contrapposizione economica negli Usa.
La Stampa - Libri
posted by Marco Graziosi 7:27 AM

The Annotated Alice: the definitive edition
Lewis Carroll, with an introduction by Martin Gardner Allen Lane, The Penguin Press
The problem is that Gardner's own analysis of Carroll proceeds via a false syllogism (a misapplication of logic that doubtless his subject - a pedantic and second-rate Oxford mathematics don - would have approved in his own defence, if not in his tutorials). For Gardner: a) all paedophiles manifestly wish to have sex with their objects of desire; b) there is no evidence that Carroll wished to have sex with Alice Liddell or his numerous other "child loves"; therefore, c) Carroll was not a paedophile.
New Statesman - Book Reviews
posted by Marco Graziosi 6:24 AM

Sunday, December 17, 2000

The Wizard of Oz: An American Fairytale
A Library of Congress Exhibition
posted by Marco Graziosi 12:57 PM

Hydroxychloroquine Retinopathy Possible Regardless of Dose, Length of Treatment
WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) Dec 08 - Recent findings contradict conventional wisdom regarding hydroxychloroquine retinal toxicity, according to a report in the November issue of the Journal of Rheumatology.
The authors describe a consecutive series of six patients treated for rheumatoid arthritis or lupus who developed retinopathy. Based on their experience, Dr. Matthew H. Liang, of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, and associates suggest that patients taking hydroxychloroquine may exhibit abnormal central vision and should be considered to have retinopathy until proven otherwise. They also say that deterioration in color vision from baseline may indicate hydroxychloroquine toxicity.
The report disputes the belief that patients who receive less than 6.5 mg/kg of the drug for less than 10 years and who have normal renal function are safe from retinopathy. Two of the patients, in addition to 11 previously reported, had been taking doses below this limit, and one had been taking it for only 5 years.
The clinicians also caution that "a normal optic fundus does not exclude the diagnosis" of retinopathy. Ophthalmoscopy revealed normal fundi in three patients, and two had normal fundus photographs. Fluorescein angiography was normal in one patient.
Dr. Liang's group concludes that, as is the case with chloroquine, "there is a high risk for progression if hydroxychloroquine retinopathy is not detected and the drug is not stopped before the onset of subjective visual symptoms."
posted by Marco Graziosi 11:59 AM

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