Tuesday, August 21, 2001
Devices and desires Tennessee Williams once said that his plays were built on the wreckage of the American family. This is true, of course - the same could be said of Theodore Dreiser's immensely gloomy novels - and yet the wreckage of Williams's own family life comes carefully concealed, its frets and fractures covered up with all manner of innocuous lumber. The Sunday Times
posted by Marco Graziosi 2:18 AM
Monday, August 20, 2001
Here are a couple of articles with references to Edward Lear: PET TRADE BLUES (the efforts and moral problems involved in attempting to save Brazil's Lear's macaws from extinction), by Richard Hartley, from International Wildlife, March-April, 2000. Voyage of a painter (Charles-Alexandre Lesueur), by Errol Fuller, from Natural History, April, 1998.
posted by Marco Graziosi 5:30 AM
Sunday, August 19, 2001
artnet.com Magazine Reviews - Drawing Notebook He called himself "The Painter of Poetical Topography," but the world knows this superb draughtsman better as the inventor of the limerick. He was the Englishman Edward Lear (1812-1888).
posted by Marco Graziosi 4:46 AM
John Gould (1841-1881) John Gould (1804-1881) was the most prolific artist and publisher of ornithological subjects of all time. In nineteenth century Europe his name was as well known as Audubon's was here in North America. Unlike Audubon, whose life's work focused on one region, Gould traveled widely and employed other artists to help create his lavish hand-colored lithographic folios. Nearly 3,000 lithographs were created during the span of his long career.
posted by Marco Graziosi 4:31 AM