Saturday, November 17, 2001
Aspects of the Victorian book, at the British Library Lear only appears in the "Illustration" section with the Javan Squirrel, but the whole exhibition provides interesting background on the production and publishing of books in the 19th century.
posted by Marco Graziosi 5:36 PM
Friday, November 16, 2001
NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA: Treasures from the World's great libraries The National Library of Australia is proud to announce a landmark international exhibition, Treasures from the World's Great Libraries. This will include "Edward Lear's illustrated version of the nursery rhyme High Diddle Diddle".
posted by Marco Graziosi 5:53 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2001
Artistic Alpine views WATERCOLOURS and oil paintings depicting Alpine scenes captured from the mid-18th century up to the 1950s will be on show from the end of the month. Peaks and Glaciers, showing at John Mitchell & Son in London, will include paintings by Turner and Edward Lear, and range from early romanticised (and frankly imaginary) views to later works which are more topographically accurate and realistic. The watercolour of the Rosenlaui Glacier in the Swiss Alps by Johann-Jakob Biedermann is one of the many highlights. The Times
posted by Marco Graziosi 2:46 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2001
The Complete Verse and Other Nonsense by Edward Lear Nonsense writers come into a special category, and perhaps we shouldn't expect their posthumous reputations to follow the usual patterns. But still it's surprising to realise, reading Vivien Noakes's new edition, that Edward Lear is no longer homosexual. Guardian Unlimited Books | Observer review
posted by Marco Graziosi 2:21 PM