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Studies on
This bibliography is more or less complete up to 1982, when I presented my thesis. I have also updated it using the Library of Congress catalog. If you know any other studies on Edward Lear or Nonsense literature in general please mail me. [Books] [Articles] [Nonsense] Books[In approximate chronological order] OSGOOD FIELD, William B., Edward Lear on my Shelves, DAVIDSON, Angus, Edward Lear: Landscape Painter and Nonsense Poet, GAUNT, William, "The Two-Sided Mr. Lear'' Art News Annual, READE, Brian, Edward Lear's Parrots, HOFER, Philip, Edward Lear, RICHARDSON, Johanna, Edward Lear, HOFER, Philip, Edward Lear as a Landscape Draughtsman, GARVEY, Eleanor M., Edward Lear, Painter, Poet and Draughtsman,
An Exhibition of Drawings, Watercolors, Oils, Nonsense and Travel Books, NOAKES, Vivien, Edward Lear: The Life of a Wanderer, KELEN, Emery, Mr Nonsense. A Life of Edward Lear, Edward Lear & Knowsley : an exhibition of watercolours belonging
to the Earl of Derby Walker Art Gallery Liverpool, 1975, LEHMAN, John, Edward Lear and His World, BYROM, Thomas, Nonsense and Wonder: The Poems and Cartoons of
Edward Lear, HYMAN, Susan, Edward Lear's Birds, HARK, Ina Rae, Edward Lear, The Travels of Edward Lear, NOAKES, Vivien, Edward Lear 1812-1888, CHITTY, Susan, That Singular Person Called Lear, CABONI, Alessandro, Nonsense : Edward Lear e la tradizione del
nonsense inglese, DEHEJIA, Vidya, Impossible Picturesqueness: Edward Lear's Indian
Watercolours, 1873-1875, with an essay by Allen Staley, KAMEN, Gloria, Edward Lear, King of Nonsense: A Biography, NOAKES, Vivien, The painter, Edward Lear, COLLEY, Ann C., Edward Lear and the critics, LEVI, Peter, Edward Lear: A Biography, Charles Lewsen in How Pleasant to Know Mr Lear, Programme
with essays by R. Fowler, V. Noakes, R. McCracken Peck, R. Pitman, J.G.
Schiller, J. Swales, and poems by W.H. Auden, G. Benson, C. Causley, H.
Dunmore, U.A. Fanthorpe, P. Gross, A. Mitchell, R. McGough, I. McMillan,
T. Paulin, P. Porter, A. Tennyson, A. Thorpe, J. Whitworth, [Books] [Articles] [Nonsense]
Articles[In approximate chronological order] CHESTERTON, Gilbert K., A Defence of Nonsense, in MATEWS, Gregory M., Dates of Issue of Lear's Illustrations of
the Psittaccidae, HUXLEY, Aldous, Edward Lear, in IZZO, Carlo, L'umorismo alla luce del 'Book of Nonsense', LEIMERT, Erika, Die Nonsense-poesie von Edward Lear, MEGROZ, R.L., The Master of Nonsense, NOCK, S.A., Lachrimae Nugarum: Edward Lear of the Nonsense Verses, PRAZ, Mario, Edward Lear, in READE, Brian, The Birds of Edward Lear, ANDERSON, Jørgen, Edward Lear and the Origins of Nonsense, BROCKWAY, J.J., Edward Lear: Poet, ORWELL, George, Nonsense Poetry, in BURY, Adrian, The Other Side of Edward Lear, HOFER, Philip, Edward Lear: One of the Ablest Topographical Draughtsmen
of His Time, LAMBOURNE, Maureen, Birds of a Feather: Edward Lear and Elizabeth
Gould, HOFER, Philip & THOMPSON, Randall, The Yonghy Bonghy Bò, SCHÖNE, Annemarie, Edward Lears Nonsense-Balladen, RICHARDSON, Johanna, Edward Lear: Man of Letters, IZZO, Carlo, Introduzione to FINK, Guido, Lear, il 'nonsense' e l'epiteto 'differente', CHRISTOPHER, J.R., Three Notes on Edward Lear, GRAFFI, Milli, Edward Lear: una logica del nonsense, CHRISTOPHER, J.R., Two More Notes on Edward Lear, NEVE, Christopher, There was a Young Person of... Edward Lear's
Birds, MILLER, Edmund, Two Approaches to Edward Lear's Songs, MONOD, Silvère, Introduction to BOUISSAC, Paul, Decoding Limericks: a Structuralist Approach, HARK, Ina Rae, Edward Lear: Eccentricity and Victorian 'angst', EHRENPREIS, Anne Henry, Edward Lear Signs Tennyson's Songs, ROBINSON, Fred Miller, Nonsense and Sadness in Donald Bartheleme
and Edward Lear, HARMON, William, Lear, Limericks, and Some Other Verse Forms, BAKER, William, T.S. Eliot on Edward Lear: An Unnoted Attribution, COLLEY, Ann C., Edward Lear and Thomas Seddon: The Paradox of Inquiry, BRUNI ROCCIA, Gioiella, Il problema del testo nel Book of Nonsense
di Edward Lear, ORD, Priscilla, 'There was an Old Derry Down Derry, Who Loved to
Make Little Folks Merry': A Closer Look at the Limericks of Edward Lear, HEARN, Michael Patrick, How Pleasant Is It To Know Mr. Lear?, GALLUP, Donald C., Collecting Edward Lear, COLLEY, Ann C., Edward Lear and the Pre-Raphaelite Impossibility:
Reflections on the Lear Exhibit: The National Academy of Design, New York,
September 10-November 3, 1985, GRASSI, Aldo Vittorio, L'universo nonsensico dei 'limerick' di
Edward Lear, HARK, Ina Rae, ed., Victorian Poetry: Special Issue in Honor of
Edward Lear 1812-1888: Comic Verse, COLLEY, Ann C., Edward Lear's Limericks and the Reversals of Nonsense, COLLEY, Ann C., The Limerick and the Space of Metaphor, HARK, Ina Rae, The Jew as Victorian Cultural Signifier: Illustrated
by Edward Lear, SNIDER, Clifton, Victorian Trickster: A Jungian Consideration of
Edward Lear's Nonsense Verse, COLLEY, Ann C., Edward Lear's Anti-Colonial Bestiary, OLSON KIRBY, Edward Lear: Deleuzian Landscape Painter, DILWORTH, Thomas, Society and the Self in the Limericks of Lear, DILWORTH, Thomas, Edward Lear's Suicide Limerick, STEMMLER, Theo, Edward Lears Zoo, in RIEDER, John, Edward Lear's Limericks, [Books] [Articles] [Nonsense]
Books and Articles on Nonsense[In approximate chronological order] (STRACHEY, Sir Edward), Nonsense as a Fine Art, CAMMAERTS, Emile, The Poetry of Nonsense, KENT, Muriel, The Art of Nonsense, PARTRIDGE, The Nonsense Words of Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll,
in SEWELL, Elizabeth, The Field of Nonsense, FORSTER, Leonard, Poetry of Significant Nonsense, LIEDE, Alfred, Dichtung als Spiel. Studien zur Unsinnspoesie an
den Grenzen der Sprache, DE BENEDETTI, Paolo, La letteratura nonsensica, SONSTROEM, David, Making Earnest of Game: G.M. Hopkins and Nonsense
Poetry, SCHÖNE, Annemarie, Englische Nonsense- und Gruselballaden, PETZOLD, Dieter, Formen und Funktionen der englischen Nonsense-Dichtung
im 19. Jahrhundert, ROTHER, James, Modernism and the Nonsense Style, ANGELI, Giovanna, Il mondo rovesciato, SMITH, A.J.M., Nonsense Poetry and Romanticism, in STEWART, Susan, Nonsense. Aspects of Intertextuality in Folklore
and Literature, COHN LIVINGSTON, Myra, Nonsense Verse: The Complete Escape,
in KRETSCHMER, Ernst, Die Welt der Galgenlieder Christian Morgensterns
und der Viktorianische Nonsense, WOODEN, Warren W., The Water-Poet: A Pioneer of Children's Literature,
in TIGGES, Wim (ed.), Explorations in the Field of Nonsense, TIGGES, Wim, An Anatomy of Literary Nonsense, ANDERSON, Celia Catlett and APSELOFF, Marilyn Fain, Nonsense Literature
for Children. Aesop to Seuss, PALUMBO, Angelica, Il Nonsense e la letteratura vittoriana per
l'infanzia, LECERCLE, Jean-Jacques, Philosophy of Nonsense. The Intuitions
of Victorian Nonsense Literature, MALCOLM, Noel, The Origins of English Nonsense, STEMMLER, Theo and HORLACHER, Stefan (eds.), Sinn im Unsinn. Über
Unsinndichtung vom Mittelalter bis zum 20. Jahrhundert, |
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There was an Old Derry down Derry...